Monday, October 18, 2010

McCarthy Hearings


The video I have above is a video made by a student for a history class. Though this is true, i believe that it is interesting to watch. It shows not only part of the hearings and accusation, it also shows ways in which they were treated and papers and things that would be there to make fun of the Red people or McCarthy.

I think that it is interesting to bring up the point of the "terrorist watch list" after September 11, 2001 and also the people not alllowed on plane flights.

I agree with most of the things that this person says in this video. From the credits, it also seems pretty accurate. I  don't understand the ways in which McCarthy thought that he was bigh enough to accuse people. I also don't understand how people believed him without much evidence or never seeing his list of people that were communists.  People were Blaclisted and their lives were changed forever because of the things McCarthy did.

1 comment:

  1. I can't access the video. :( Your description makes it sound interesting.
