Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Crucible Act One

So far, the play has actually been quite interesting, though the play does seem to be full of needless obsessive actions. What I do not understand is why. Why do they need to worry about these things? Many children get sick. Many people have days where they don't feel the strength to get out of bed. I hope through reading the play more that we can understand the reasoning behind all of the madness that seems to be coming from the mouths of each character, because as of right now, the play has me absolutely bewildered as to the reasonings behind any of it. I realize that once accusations started coming out about witchcraft, people began to take out hatred on their enemies. I just do not understand the reason that the first accusations started.


  1. Yeah it seems as though the littlest things freak these people out. Why does a little girl sick mean she is a witch? Or why does dancing associate with the devil? it is all mystery to me why these people are so dramatic. So hopefully everything will start explaining itself!

  2. It seems like these people are a little bit stir-crazy. Your point about Betty is good-why do they get so upset when she won't get up? Wasn't this when people got sick and died all the time? And when they spurt out all these names as if on cue, coincidentally people of suspicion, they utomatically believe all of the names being tossed around.

  3. I love to read the comments before I comment. Hopefully, you now know the WHY of these accusations.
