I think that I have finally managed to "follow" everyone on the seemingly never-ending list of class blogs to follow. I wish this was more exciting.
So this week in American Literature, we have been studying origins and stories that were passed down through Native American tribes. I think that this is interesting to see how all of the stories relate in some way, shape, or form. Right now, the stories we are reading all have to deal with creation. Every tribe views nature in a very strong way and that is shown in their stories.
Another thing that I find interesting is that each tribe believes so strongly in one thing that they only heard from someone. I feel that the trust each person has in the stories they hear shows a lot about the tribes. These tribes were very close knit and believed in each other very much. I wonder what America would be like today if everyone believed in each other like the Native Americans did.
There will be more links because not everyone has a blog yet, but I hope you will find this project interesting when there are things to read and see on the blogs. Thanks for your post today.